Fetch Quest Dog Training Services
Our in-home dog training services and basic dog obedience training in NJ can be a great way to get your dog on the right track and set them up for success! Like any type of dog training, it’s important to make sure you’re taking advantage of all the benefits that our in-home sessions can offer. Remember, we come to you! Here are our dog training services we provide to help you achieve your goals together.
Our basic dog obedience classes are designed for dogs ages one or over. Fetch Quest Dog Training covers the basic training dog commands such as sit, down, stay, don't jump on guests, recall, good leash walking skills and crate training. These are the most important commands of them all!
Basic Obedience Dog Training
Puppy training can sometimes be challenging, and it’s normal to run into obstacles from time to time. If your puppy isn’t responding to your commands, there are several steps you can take to improve the situation. We are here to help with our years of puppy training experience!
Puppy Training
In-home trainers are able to tailor their methods specifically to meet your pup’s unique needs, which is something that group classes cannot do. We will train your dog in their own environment with our in home dog training services in NJ with the proper training techniques.
In-Home Dog Training
Behavior Modification
Dog Socialization
Behavior Dog Training
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Puppy Prep School
Give your puppy a head start to success with Puppy Prep School! We will work on good manners and behaviors, proper socialization, housetraining, chewing, proper play, and so much more! Work towards becoming an AKC Star Puppy or Canine Good Citizen. Each lesson is 45 minutes and is done in the comfort of your own home.
From puppy to adult, every dog needs good foundations. This program covers all the foundational behaviors that will help our pups integrate into our homes and everyday lives. We will work towards polite, well rounded interactions as well as what behaviors are the right fit for your needs. We offer full day and shorter sessions on your schedule. Our trainer will come to your home to work with you. Use our schedule now button below to get started!
Behavior Training and Care
Sometimes our dogs face challenges in life. Whether that’s undersocialization, fear, reactivity, or stress there are ways we can help our dogs through tough behaviors. Our trainer will get a detailed behavior history during an initial consultation in order to determine the extent to which your dog may need help with their behaviors. Our trainer will then come to your home to observe the environment and help lay out a plan for positive and science backed behavior modification. This is a long term processs and requires consistency and commitment. All behavior clients are seen on a case by case basis. Our trainer has many resources for behavior care available and is happy to make recommendations for your specific needs. Feel free to contact us on our contact page!
Fit Dog - Dog Fitness Program
Fitness is an important part of having a healthy, happy dog. Just as people need exercise to stay going strong, our dogs need exercise to keep their bodies in good working order. This program is tailored for your dog’s age, breed, and fitness needs. Whether your dog is a sports star or the family lap warmer, having a regular routine that focuses on your dog’s wellbeing can help greatly with their overall health and can even help with some behaviors!
Dog Sports & Tricks
Nothing builds confidence more than a highly rewarded trick! We offer many AKC sports including scent work, trick dog, rally obedience, agility and even barkour! Our trainer will bring all equipment necessary to you and work with you and your dog in the comfort of your own home/backyard!

Train Together
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